Prime minister manmohan singh history

Manmohan singh current position

Manmohan Singh (26 September – 26 December ) was an Indian politician, economist, academic, and bureaucrat, who served as the prime minister of India from to He was the fourth longest-serving prime minister after Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Narendra Modi.
prime minister manmohan singh history

Is manmohan singh expired

From to , Dr. Singh served as India’s Finance Minister, marking a turning point in the nation’s economic history.

Manmohan singh age is alive

Learn about the extraordinary journey of Dr. Manmohan Singh, the 13th Prime Minister of India, whose legacy of economic liberalization, humility, and visionary policies .
When did manmohan singh died
Singh was the first Indian leader since Jawaharlal Nehru to be re-elected after serving a full first term, and the first Sikh to hold the country's top post.